Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Of Gibbsy's Hand Job and Other Slights Perceived and Otherwise

So everyone was talking about how impressive Gov. Sarah Palin was speaking off the cuff and off her hand the other night.  Big whoop.  It may be true that any intelligent and well seasoned politician can speak that way from a few notes and nothing more.  But it takes a true leader to speak every word scrolling across a screen, unafraid to reveal his incapacity to "ad lib." At least that's what Rahm was telling Big Guy to get him to come out from under the desk to rehearse his morning banter with me before breakfast this morning.

Everyone is joking about the Palin hand notes. I, for one, don't find any of it funny; in fact, I think it's kind of demeaning.  Not to the Governor, but to me.

So Gibbsy thinks it's funny today to walk out to the press corps (pronounced "corpse" here at the White House now).  He flashes his two notes on his hand, and then hears the groans from the reporters.  Nice. Once again, Gibbsy shows that he can never intentionally be funny.

Everyone is asking me why Big Guy doesn't use his hand when he speaks, since I have become such a running joke for him.  Think about it, how are we going to get one hour's worth of notes onto his hand?  To hire a staff to do that would require way too much stimulus dollars than this country can afford. About the best we could is "Let me be clear ...."  And that won't work. Heck, that's how we got into this mess to begin with.


  1. TOTUS! I didn't see you at the "Press Conference" this morning...POTUS kept looking down at the lectern...were you re-formatted for desktop or was it when I looked away from old purple lips? I swear, he looked as if he was channeling his idea of Sarah, looking at her notes.

    He's got the droppin' of the "g's" down so along with lookin' down (as if lookin' at notes), can we expect lipstick and hand reminders next? Just wonderin'.

  2. Gibbsy is acting like a junior high kid on the play ground. Very undignified for the press secretary to the president of the US.

  3. obama good president.

  4. Gibbs is like the class clown in Junior High. The man is such a joke. He is clearly the worst press secretary in history.

  5. POTUS kept looking down at the lectern...were you re-formatted for desktop or was it when I looked away from old purple lips? I swear, he looked as if he was channeling his idea of Sarah, looking at her notes. 2010 modelleri
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  6. AnnieC -- that Techno rat hijacked your cool post!!

    Then we get "defin..." a CLEARLY developmentally delayed tool.......


    [Mae] LOL, good one. And I'd like to add, "Gibbsy is acting like a junior high kid on the play ground. Very [fitting] for the press secretary to the [most immature] [pseudo]president [we have EVER endured.]

    Teresa, so true. But makes sense. The Fraud from Abroad and the Giggling Clod.

    Hopey the Clown & Co.! Watch them on CSPAN starting.... NEXT year.

    "Let me be clear."
    "...on CSPAN."
    "Let me be clear."
    "...on CSPAN."
    "Let me be clear."
    "...on CSPAN."
    "Let me be clear."
    "...on CSPAN."
    "Let me be clear."
    "...on CSPAN."


  7. Gibbsy is acting like a junior high kid on the play ground. Very undignified for the press secretary to the president of the US.


  8. An unprecedented amount of unwelcome spam among these comments -- quite sad.

    I trust we'll see the faithful ones comment on this thread as well -- TWW, Preptile, Bettyann, to name just a few. Love to read your comments as much as TOTUS's.

  9. Just a regular reader here to say THANKS! (A big thanks) to TOTUS for your fabulous, hilarious comments. If Leno or O'Brien were half as funny, they'd succeed.

  10. Gibbs has the demeanor of someone on the cusp of mania. His days cannot be much fun, certainly with his every word and utterance on YouTube and Fox almost immediately. And it's not a pretty picture, because this man is largely the public face of the administration on a day-to-day basis. If he says, 'I'll have to get back to you on that," or "I don't have the answer," he's basically saying that Obama doesn't have the answer. And that's troubling.

    I have long maintained that Gibbs will sag under pressure and become a public school administrator before the end of the year. The very idea that we have a smarmy President as well as a smarmy White House Press Secretary simply sickens millions and millions of people who will do whatever they can to get one or both of them out of there.

  11. Well, Gibbys got crazy and it's plain to see!
    Doing the hand job on TV!

    (what a cracker)

  12. Hi, Aero -- thanks! Likewise.

    BTW, how's your brother doing?


    [Chris] "Gibbs has the demeanor of someone on the cusp of mania... ."

    Say...... Maybe they picked Gibbs for EXACTLY that reason -- that he was diagnosed "Bipolar" in the prison infirmary 3 years ago (oh, I dunno,.... online porn, perhaps?). "Doctor" Zeke Emmanuel keeps him in the exciting, highly volatile, state of hypomania by withholding his lithium (just a touch). Giggly's happy. The Emmanuel Bros. are happy -- they have a fussy, slick, "smarmy," schmuck who makes the Con Man in Chief look reasonably honest by comparison.

    Hmmmm. The "By Comparison, I Look Great" List now includes:

    Biden - By Comp. Dope looks bright.

    Puhlosi - By Comp. Dope looks sane.

    Tax Cheat Tim - By Comp. Dope looks honest... er.

    Rahm - By Comp. Dope looks kind (kind of).

    Bruno - By Comp. Mitchell looks feminine.

    Sonny "The Bull" Soto - By Comp. Big Mo looks thin.

    Sibelius - By Comp. Dope looks black. Heh, heh, heeeeeeh.

    Giggly - By Comp. Dope has gravitas.

    Bo the Dog - By Comp. Dope is eloquent.

    Any Czar - By Comp. Dope appears moral.

    Family's Pet Fish - By Comp. Dope has executive experience.

    Their list has, however, ONE BIG MISTAKE.......

    (favorite scapegoat) George W. Bush - By Comp. Dope looks very small.

    | |
    | "MISS ME YET?" (photo of W) |

    Sure do.

  13. Hey now... that could be a new 'job' note writer paying oh $140k or so....

  14. Golly, truthwillwin. Guess I'm not familar with techno rat. I thought one of The Won's followers were offering up chants to Allah around any slight criticism of him...oh well, whatever. I have my own chants as well AND THEY WORK so watch out techno rat...I can also fling curses.

  15. Simply.......WOW. Truly amazing. Blind leading the blind. I remember eight horrible years of tyranny and absurdity. Ha ha ha ha. I died a little inside just now. You couldn't go up there and show me better. Eight years proved that. It's our turn. At least we try to work together.

  16. Hi Brandon. Are you lost?

    Obama makes me miss President Bush . . . and President Clinton (who proved you can get sex from aids) . . . and even President Carter (who at least had brother Billy to amuse us) . . .

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  18. I wish you guys were nicer to Gibbsy. Just how long has it been since anyone in government has exhibited such Bonne Humeur, or provided us with cost effective entertainment?
    Personaly, I haven't had so much fun since the US invasion of Irak, when Saddam's minister of Information, BAGDAD BOB hailed the glorious Iraki army as trouncing the Americans... while the US jets flew over the Bagdad airport. That was good stuff, Which is why I have named own Gibbsy, BELTWAY BOB, in his honor.

  19. VERY VERY GOOD! Catherine! If I wasn't at the office I'd laugh out loud at your post!

    BELTWAY BOB! -- That's great!

  20. P.S. -- to TWW -- my brother's doing okay. Hasn't made it back home to Missouri since being stateside, but calls frequently. Said he's ready to go back, though -- kind of bored.

    Thanks for asking -- and for your prayers for him and the other troops, as I am confident you offer.

  21. There is a good article today, which you can link to from DRUDGE. The focus: The press is laughing a whole lot less at Gibbs' jokes & quips now than when they used to. Those little jokes of his mask a ton of incompetence ("No...he didn't really answer my question, but BOY did he have some funny lines!"). The Press is being derided now and their whole industry is rightfully under attack. You can just see the press getting a bit more focused on the substance of what Gibbs is saying and not getting waylaid by his three-ring circus act. Gibbs knows this, and that ought to weigh heavily on his decision to stay on as Press Secretary. I'm sure he's not enjoying his job these days; getting ridiculed & mocked probably isn't something he thought he'd have to face. After all, he was going to be part of such an 'adored' administration.

  22. OOOhhh,I get that headline now.
    Slight slights like sleights of hand.

    Good ,er,job TP,as Susan so cleverly stated,doing that crazy hand jive.

    More "Prose like the Pros use,only punnier ".

    Saw some similar professional prose last week in an editorial by an attorney suggesting we suffer from 'Trialophobia',regarding the Fruit of Kaboomer.

    He,and here is the tricky part FOTS,as many liberals do when discussing terrorism
    ,he,uh,inveighed Mcveigh.

    It was tricky little rhetorical sleight of hand meant to make his invective more effective.Instead he affected an indefensible stance presuming protestant perfidy.

    By invoking that bloke he established painful WASP poisonings as prerequisite to the premise.Saw the same sorta stunt inPresidential Projections about Bi-Partisan Progress.Obama's assertions that Republicans are ,and will be,Obstructing the Ultimate Justice of his plan is indeed Textbook projection,that seems to be protruding from ourPresident ,the Pronouncer in Chief,
    That WWalking Parody.

    We knew he had pronouncing the pronouns down pat,proving especially a profound and uh,pronounced proficiency in his favorites,
    I ,me ,and mine.

    Unprecedented demands that he consider using others are under consideration by an undersecretary to the UN ,under the UnderToad himself.It is all unbelievably underhanded and uh,un-cool.

    This all forces an Un Cola to
    call my name from the refrigerator ,so I will do my Peas out thing ,as uncharacteristically, I find myself out of them.
    Try for the moment to find Peas in your life without me.I suggest you look in the pantry.

    BTW Aero,er,Deer,that was an awfully nice thing for you to say about
    the commenteers here.Thank you very much.
    And TWW,wish I could claim that 'Of Corpse'gag but it is all your's and you should be proud of it.I will try not to steal it from you.
    But I cannot PPPromise.

    Oh BTW too in an aside to Brandon above working together is fine in a kumbya choir.
    We are in more of a political Football game ,and it gets a little rough around here.
    Just ask our reisident BAdd Ass little lamb chop Betty Ann.

    If our center,say a MCCain type decides to just hand the ball to the other team,
    in fairness,well he will not fare well here.
    Liberals wishing to share our teams sucess w EVERYONE,are like those soccer mom's who want the most pathetic athletes to go home a winner,whether they can actually score or not.
    It dilutes the contest,and you can expect an empty stadium,filled only w those soccer mom's screaming wildly for their children,and no one else's.

    It is not a pretty site and it dilutes the idea of a contest of ideas pretty thin.

    As thin as Lincoln's soup made from the shadow of a pigeon who had starved to death.

    There are HUGE differences between Republicans and Conservatives which is why we just stopped supporting your big tent philosophy Brandon.When ALL are welcomed we have found real problems as not ALL of them share our basic principles,and have no business on our team.They should be in the stands,or on the other team,just as MCCain almost became Kerry's Vice President.These 'uniters'don't much help our team,they help the other.

  23. Someday the Whitehouse Press should hang Gibbsy's underwear from the flagpole.I bet he wears a thong.

  24. Dear TOTUS,
    You are not a "running joke" to us. We know you are trapped in a nightmarish situation not of your own making. You are scrolling above and beyond the call of duty. I can't think of another teleprompter that gives so much in service to his country just to make sure a president sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

  25. Gibbsy's next line:

    "When live sends you lemmings, make lemmings aides"

    Brandon, grab the brass ring. You just got a job in the White House.

    Cher is just getting ready to release her old song with new lyrics much like Elton's Norma Jean.

    This one is entitled (no pun intended),

    Gibbsy's, Tramps and Thieves.

    The next thing you know someone from say Nigeria will be pimping underwear on this thread:

    Slightly scorched Fruit of Kabooms....

    Could this get any easier?

  26. WOW - what a bunch of cool posts [with a couple of muddleheaded exceptions -- yeah, Janice (glad to see you're still around!), yup. Lost. CLEARLY lost.]

    Catherine Henry -- Hi! \(o_o)
    "BELTWAY BOB" !!!!!


    BB: "That wasn't a bow."

    BB: "I don't know. Check with the White House."

    BB: (paraph.) The Massachusetts voters voted for Scott Brown because they are angry at George Bush.

    Yeah, Chris, Giggly is a one-man 3-ring circus. Ladeeeeez an' GENTuhmen! To my right, doing his "Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire Tightwire Act," iiiiiiiit's BELTWAY BOB!.... And, to my left.... [pauses to give BB a chance to huff it over to the other end of the big top]...... doing his Hand Contortionist Act,...... iiiiiiiiiit's BELTWAY BOB! Aaaaaand!.... In!..... the!..... center!...... ring!...[BB, red faced and now wishing he wore normal men's underwear or that he was alone in his apartment, whirls like a ballerina into the ring, little fingers fluttering beckoningly to.... ? To BAWNEY FWANK?! leaning over the counter in his hawt dawg stand? Naaaa.].... iiiiiiiit's BELTWAY BOB doing his Trick Riding Clown Act using REAL RINO's!

    Annie C -- LOL, bet you're right. "O Mighty alluh.... abracadabra..... T-shirts.... mugs..... shoes...... you may regret...... blubbadyblubbadyblaweo;iuadfkjahga brand One ...mirc..... futball ....... aalllllahoooooooo and koooombayYAH!"

    Good to hear, Aero. And, yes, you are correct and will keep it up.

    [NFO] LOL, good idea. :D Say...... you already apply and get hired? Notetaker For Obama? ;)

    [Prep] "Prose like the Pros use,only punnier"

    Love it. Nice post.

    @ RINOS: You nighters? Better not quit that day job. Your old cubicle at the IRS - Collections Division will look mighty nice when YOU LOSE next fall.

    Nice football analogy. Yeah, there is no "i" in team, but there sure as HECK is no team if we put our defensive squad on the bench for a couple of quarters!

    Yeah, that's right, you RINO bozos. Those guys on the other side of the aisle are THE ENEMY. AND WE WILL NEVER WIN WITH LOSERS LIKE YOU ON THE TEAM. So, turn in your jersey's and GET LOST.

    You like reaching across the aisle? Go to the grocery store. Better yet, make that Home Depot, where your buddy Biden (says he) hangs out all the time (try solvents).

    [Shovel - Hey! :D] LOL. FOR SALE -- "Slightly scorched Fruit of Kabooms" Make offer.

    "new lyrics much like Elton's Norma Jean." Seriously?!

    Dope [who, by comparison ;) to Dylan, sounds great, heh, heh]:
    "Good bye, Momma jeans (sniff),
    really, really wish I
    hadn't worn you, wo, wo,

    I am SUCH a child.

    I shoulda gone in the nude.

    Sigh. [forgets what song he's doing] I guess it's just,
    that I'm uuuuuuh,
    candle in the waaand,
    never knowin' whether to bow or
    just to shakehake her hand.

    I wish [back to "Norma Jean" take-off], oh, yeah, I REALLY wish I had a much high-er I-Q,
    But. I. Don't.
    The. End.

    [walks off stage......... almost, turns back with a "punch drunk" leer]

    But, [GRIN] LAUGH OUT LOUD folkssssss -- I won.

    Thinking Americans: You won the contest, B. Hussein Obama, but you will NEVER win legitimacy

    -- unless you produce and publish for the general public a genuine U. S. birth certificate --

    still waiting.

  27. Susan: Hey, Preptile, what do you think of TWW's most recent post?

    Preptile: It is not a pretty [sight] and it dilutes the idea of a contest of ideas pretty thin.

    Bwah, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  28. When does Gibbs take his comedy routine on the road?

  29. Now Obama Doesn't 'Begrudge' Millions in Bonuses for 'Savvy' Bankers...

    Flashback: Obama Says Bonuses Are Violation Of 'Our Fundamental Values'...

    This idiot in the WH...is unable to complete a sentence without having to backtrack.
    Every time he opens his mouth,he has to change it the next day or says " Let me make it clear'
    I think either he is :
    1. On Drugs
    2. Just plain stupid and incompetent
    3. Schizophrenic

  30. Come on now, when I laugh I cough then choke with the damn pig flu congestion or whateva...

    "O Mighty alluh.... abracadabra..... T-shirts.... mugs..... shoes...... you may regret...... blubbadyblubbadyblaweo;iuadfkjahga brand One ...mirc..... futball ....... aalllllahoooooooo and koooombayYAH!"

    Oh, my aching head!

  31. Honorary Brigade Mom of the Arctic Wolves, serving from Fort Wainwright Alaska, who served in Iraq, including Track Palin.

    Happy Birthday Sarah Palin, "Happiness Is A Warm Gun Momma"


  32. Thank you, thank you Aero and TruthWillWin for the nods, 'tis nice to be appreciated..
    I also found something that reminded me that
    it's hard to be totally original on the Internet.

    Preptile, in a comment on the last post before this one, you also compared Gibbzy to Baghdad Bob (although, YOU did not misspelled it) I just realized it this morning. I have visited this blog only for a couple of days, and began to read the comments when I realized that the commentators were often as hilarious as the TOTUS himself.
    Great minds must think alike... I saw the similarity a few months ago when I became slightly over-heated (not an rare occurence these days)while listening to Gibbzy spewing out lies that even my 3 years old grandson could see throught, so I grumbled (also not too uncommon):
    "Just how bloody stupid does this cackling nitwit think we are? He must be channeling the spirit of Baghdad Bob."
    To which, the Love of My Life, who is not above scoring a few brownie points for future use, responded: "SugarWings,(I know,I know,) this is an absolutly spectacular insight."
    So, there it is, Preptile, I apologize for pirating your idea, if it is plagiarism, I want you to know that it was not planned to be.

  33. My goodness gracious,the graciousness abounds here among you Dear treasured commenteers.

    I love you guys which is why,as of yesterday,we now have another new redoubt just in case we ever find ourselves in doubt of this mothership's survival.

    Probably,at 24 hours,it is a bit young for the right hand sidebar blog roll here,but as instructed by the Won,one does Hope.

    FOTS ,and just plain folks are now welcome at
    Preptile's Pundidlyumpsite.


    Better bookmark it guys,as I am finding that it is hard to find.And that FOTS,is the last time I will flog my blog here.

    It is always open and just as excessively wordy as my posts here.
    If that appeals come see for yourself...
    But not until you have read every word here,and bought a T shirt too.
    Or two.

  34. Dear Susan, GET WELL SOON! Sorry you're not feeling well. (and thank you)


    Dear, conscientious, Ms. Henry, "independent genius" is a common phenomenon among the clever.

    CatherineH: [Good natured and eager to smooth potentially ruffled feathers, looks into the reading room at the club] "Preptile, in a comment on the last post before this one, you also compared Gibbzy to Baghdad Bob... ."

    Preptile: [looks up from reading his Wall Street Journal, eyes slightly narrowed, skeptical of all females] "There are HUGE differences... ."

    CH: [not to be deterred in her friendliness, keeps smiling] "That was good stuff ... ."

    Prep: [nods, smiles slightly] "Thank you very much."

    CH: [sitting down in the ("Sugar" - ;))wing back chair to chat awhile] "Just how long has it been since anyone in government has ... provided us with cost effective entertainment?"

    Prep: [feeling slightly uncomfortable at how friendly all this is getting, folds his paper and stands up] "This all forces an Un Cola to
    call my name from the refrigerator ... .
    Try for the moment to find Peas in your life without me... ."

  35. To Brandon: There are about TEN MILLION people who had jobs and careers during those 'eight horrible years.' Get a clue.

  36. Chris - YES!

    "'eight horrible years'" of prosperity and no terrorist attacks on U. S. soil.

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