Big Guy got a tip off yesterday that the Senate was going to pass the bill regulating nicotine and tobacco products. Just as his alter ego, President John F. Kennedy did more than 40 years ago when he bought up all the Cuban cigars in town the night before he ordered the embargo of Cuba, Big Guy sent his aide, Reggie Love, out to a 7-11 to buy up as many cartons of high-nicotine cigarettes for his personal stash in the Oval. And a few pack of menthols, along with some of those clove cigarettes that kind of give you a buzz.
Now, some people might say that this is hypocritical. Or that Big Guy is using his power and influence to get for himself what he would deny others through legislative fiat. Which is all true.
But does anyone really want a guy in the Oval Office going through nicotine withdrawl with his finger on the nuclear button?
Hmmmm....abolish tobacco, legalize marijuana.
ReplyDeleteTOTUS, I wouldn't worry about the Big Guy pushing the nuclear button anyway. Unless it is to nuke Israel...
BO is addicted to power...and after he screws someone over...then he enjoys the cigarette.
ReplyDeleteI just heard on the radio news report that BO kicked the habit upon taking office??? Oh dear TOTUS, whom are we to believe?
ReplyDeleteProbably he'll stack those ciggy boxes somewhere in MO's HEE-YOUGE shoe room.
ReplyDelete(The room is huge, not just her feet.)
OMG,KOOL cigarettes might be the dollar of the new Oconomy.One of my employers has been hoarding rice and beans for OMG preparations.
ReplyDeleteSuprizingly even the extended first family is preparing too.Savings are being sought as well as new Opportunitys for advancement in the new Oconomy.That start-up Coture group,Aunties Acorn was seen in London last week as the new Mommy and Me style took a 'fluffy shirt' flop, Seinfeldian style.New coin of the realm is being sought everywhere else tho too,including bestsellers being planned for Original debut on Oprah's OOpalooza on the Oconomy.
Transcriptions from an unfamiliar alphabet have slowed the ghost writers of one of them,
but OMG will it be huge.
Kinda like the defecit was,
before this country went..up in smoke.
I dunno. He looks like a Virginia Slims Menthol type of masculine guy to me.
ReplyDeleteThe hand of government gets heavier and heavier.
ReplyDeletenote: for those of you who are clueless, 'fag' is Brit slang for cigarette
ReplyDeleteThat's true, Susan (and MelenaX) . . . the Marlboro man he ain't, that's for sure. Or should I say, "fo sho"?
ReplyDeleteWOW You're right...the hand of government is getting heavier and heavier.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I sign up for a black market franchise?
ReplyDeleteTOTUS and commenteers,
ReplyDeleteYou have created a site worth visiting every day: great political humor and cringe inducing laughter. Thanks to all.
ReplyDeleteWhatever he is on in that photo I don't want him withdrawing from anywhere near the WH, although I do admit a fine martini often has the same effect.
I can't imagine our Messiah would have his finger on a nuclear button, as this is insensitive to the dynamic of dplomacy. A remote's button, yes, wherein he might see himself over and over on teevee, or hear himself likened unto God, as well as relish the thought of sending shivers up other men's legs.
I'll bet you eat a lot of peptobismal, TOTUS dear.
Does he even know where the button is?
ReplyDeleteWriter X,
ReplyDeleteDon't rush the man. George Soros will tell him where it's at when he is gosh darn good and ready! And not a moment before!
ReplyDeleteVirginia Slims.....
Laughing out Loud!!!!
Just break the filter off, tobacco is tobacco.
O hasn't kicked the habit - he is using Nicarette (same thing he used during the campaign, according to WH spokesperson.) Give the man a break - look what he has to come home to every day. Besides the "after I've screwed America" smoke, he smokes to relieve the STRESS of coming home to the big MM! Kinda gives you an idea of why he is traveling so much, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteBesides, the Dems are putting controls on cigarettes because they HAD TO DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN. The reason they do everything. For the children. All of the children that don't get aborted, that is. Them, they don't care about. Now, if they could figure put a way to abort babies using cigarettes/cigarette smoke/second-hand smoke, that's another story.
ReplyDeleteBwah, ha, haaa. You guys are hilarious. Yeah, Big Mo (and Bruno and Sonny Boy) are the Marlboro men around D.C..
ReplyDeleteSlender Barry is the Virginia Slims gal. HA, HA.
All the American Indians can rest easy about their special legal status while Dope's in office. Likes the prices at The Smoke Shop.
Speaking of American Indians, have you heard this joke that came out during the campaign?:
ReplyDeleteWALKING EAGLE, a name given to Barack by the American Indian Nation.
Senator BARACK OBAMA was invited to
address a major gathering of the American Indian Nation two weeks ago in upstate New York.
HE spoke for almost an hour on HIS future plans for increasing every Native American's present standard of living, should HE one day become the President. HE referred to his career as a Senator, how he had signed 'YES' for every Indian issue that came to his desk for approval.
Although the Senator was vague on the details of his plan, he seemed most enthusiastic about his future ideas for helping his 'red sisters and brothers'.
At the conclusion of his speech, the Tribes presented the Senator with a plaque inscribed with his new Indian name - Walking Eagle. The proud Senator then departed in his motorcade, waving to the crowds.
A news reporter later inquired to the group of chiefs of how they came to select the new name they had given to the Senator.
They explained that Walking Eagle is the name given to a bird so full of sh*t that it can no longer fly.
Jamie - TOO Funny! I love it!
ReplyDeletehmmm... isn't that the way one smokes (and holds) a roach...???
ReplyDeletehe probably had a few of those right before the 'are you punch drunk?' interview on the economy 'cause he couldn't stop giggling like a widdle gurl.
book 'im, Danno
I'm sure that he didn't inhale.
ReplyDeleteyeah, he swallowed
ReplyDeleteand that's as far as I'm gonna with that 8-p
News flash - Man Monster wants to get pregnant. Two reasons - to give "her man" a son to continue his bloodline; and to dispel the rumors about his proclivities.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I read that in the headlines on a Globe magazine, so I'm sure that its true.
so how can the Man Monster be certain the gurly-boy can part with a Y chromosome? That would leave him with only an X
ReplyDeleteif it's a girl, will she abort it?
I had a feeling she would want to have a baby while he was in office. She'll ruin her figure.
ReplyDeleteProbably. She will have it classified a "Man Monster made disaster".
ReplyDeleteIt's alive!!!! 8-O
ReplyDeleteShe has a figure?
ReplyDeleteMaybe she should try fertilization treatments in the hope of having 8 little O's. Then she could be called Octo Man Monster and he could be called Octo-bama.
Yeah she has a figure; at last count, it was $10M
ReplyDeletethe Octo's LOL! Good one :-)
You know, I if his daughters' birth cerificates (assuming that very expensive, oh-so-private scholl reqires one) list Father's Race as African-American (ehich is not a race, but was on BHO's fake BC), and if he's listed as an American citizen. Or a 'nuturalied' citizen, or something else entirely.
ReplyDeletejust curious.
since I don't think hospitals require BC's from parents; the hospital just takes their word for it.
Melena, interesting question.
ReplyDeleteI don't know.
I do know this: that Marxist from Kenya, Dopebama's, brain was definitely "nuturalied" somewhere along the way. :)
My word to post above was "undne" HA.
ReplyDeleteAs in B. Hussein's sham presidency and all his hideous attempts to turn this great nation into a Socialist Serfdom owned by Saudi Arabia will be UNDONE if that dadblamed Kenyan birth certificate (or other documents like school records and travel records that show citizenship) ever comes to light.
And the next word was "tries." .... ?
ReplyDeleteI think the Octo names need to be modified to "Octo-Bama and Octo-Mama". That has a nice little ring to it, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteIf the BC issue ever makes it to the Supremes, I'm sure that it will be determined that the Constitution allows for anyone to be POTUS, no matter their citizenship status. (By then Sonya the Hun will be sitting on the bench ... now you know why O is in such a rush to get her approved.)
This just in from the home of the Wolverines: Dr. Sanity believes our entire health care system is up in smoke ... she’s quitting
ReplyDeleteDEWEY - thanks for the link. That was great. I was unfamiliar with Dr. Sanity.
ReplyDeleteNo worries...Big Guy's going to disarm us anyhow. It's like worrying about someone with their finger on the trigger, but the weapon is actually a Nerf gun.
ReplyDeleteThis is making me want to smoke a carton! the Bill to toughen tobacco rules sent to Obama and the President says he will sign legislation. I heard this a.m. that this bill will not affect menthol cigarettes and that SURPRISE, that's what the big guy smokes.
ReplyDeleteThanks everybody for helping me laugh thru this insanity .... ha ha ho ho hee hee, they're coming to take me away ..
Once a woman hits a "certain age," she is at higher risk of giving birth to a child with Down Syndrome----just as Sarah Palin (age 43/44 then) did.
ReplyDeleteOkay, so MO is how old? And if she doesn't WANT to have a disabled child, do you think she'd dare .. you know.....
Or would that seem like too obvious pandering?
1/17/64; if she's telling the truth. Might want to add five years, just in case.
ReplyDeleteat least 45; LOL, Sarah Palin mut have really shook her up -- she's decided to have a Much Better Baby than the white trash hockey mom.
the reason given - to prove the Fraud ain't gay - is so laughable, that outdoing Sarah on the baby front (as she would see it) is sweet revenge for Man Monster. ****"Yes, sweetie snookums, you're living proof you daddy ain't gay." "NOw, who's your daddy?" ****
but the Fraud is still what he is...
Oh, as for the Down Syndrome possibliby:
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't put it past Man-MOnster to go for the sympathy vote; after all, it's not like SHE would actually have to care for child -- just use it for more votes.
Well, if she does intend to have a baby and it is possible she would have a Downs child, then she better hurry up and have it before BO gets his health care plan in place. If its anything like what they are pushing for in a European country (I think Sweden). The authorities want to encourage parents to either 1) abort the baby at a point prior to birth. or 2) allow it to die shortly after birth. (One prominent physician there made the statement that it didn't really matter when they chose to do it - "There is no difference between aborting it while its inside the birth canal or killing it/allowing it to die when it emerges from the birth canal." WHY is this their policy? Because disabled children are a economic drain on the Health Care system and a drain on society because they have "special needs". (I read about this not too long ago. It is a disgusting policy.)
ReplyDeleteWell, now isn't that special. Us pro-lifers have some common ground with the infanticide crowd. Yes, indeed, there is no moral difference between killing a human being when it is 9 minutes along in its development or 9 months or..... 90 years. It's still murder of an innocent human being.
ReplyDeleteAaaarrrgh! >.<
The "right" to have an abortion is actually the right to end one's status as a parent. So, why not at 2 months after birth? After, say, you find out that your baby is deaf? Or at, oh, say... 4 years? After you find out your child has a low I.Q.? Hideous.
B. Hussein who as an IL state senator argued vigorously and long AGAINST the Infant Born Alive Protection Act [passed at the federal level unanimously] because it would "burden the abortion decision" won't stand in your way. "Above [his] pay grade."
Shaun, loved the Nerf Gun analogy!
ReplyDeleteDid I just see a comparison of abortion to the death penalty?
ReplyDeleteSomeone show me the last time an unborn infant murdered someone...
Under government run health care, they have to make the hard decisions on how to cut down on costs. How better to do that that decide who should or SHOULD NOT get that care? Their logic: Why spend money on care for defective babies or elderly people when they won't be living that long and their "quality of life" is not perfect, when the money would be better spent on others?
ReplyDeleteJust like the policy in England that they have now. If you are an elderly person with glaucoma in your right eye, they won't waste money treating it and will let you go blind in that eye because you still have vision from the one good left eye. If you then should develop glaucoma in the left eye, then they would treat it - since you are blind in your right eye and no longer have a spare.
HA! My "word verification" for this last post was ..... hangshyt
ReplyDeleteYeah, Shaun, I don't know where you heard it, but, I'm sure you'll hear it again. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteI've heard (many times) the bogus, twisted, "pro-choice" logic that says that those of us who are both pro-life and pro-death penalty are logically inconsistent.
Can't put it better than you did. Abortion and euthanasia murder an INNOCENT human being while the death penalty is the just punishment of a person GUILTY of a heinous crime.
A distinction with a difference.
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