But I digress.
Rush to his credit has identified me as a key player in the White House, and while he didn't formally request an interview with me - nor did he submit his questions for approval with Gibbsy as "real" journalists like John Roberts (little known fact: he was once a Canadian VJ) do - he has posed a number of interesting questions, all of which I will begin answering today in a new, regular feature: Screen Shots with Rush.
Screen Shots will be intermittent today, as I've got my West Coast gig, and The Big Guy has a number of phone calls to make to foreign leaders, and he needs me there in case he needs to appear to pull some hip overseas cultural references off the top of his head. That, and he can watch the first round games on my second screen at the same time.
I agree with you!! Awesome post.
Obama would be a fool to take on Rush without you by his side. Then again thats why he doesn't
ReplyDeleteCheck out http://www.MovingPains.com
ReplyDeleteTeleprompter, what would it take for you to get President Obama to appear on the Rush Limbaugh Show? Rush has already offered 5-star treatment to Obama, but I think with a simple request, Mr. Limbaugh would honor a full and complete upgrade of your system.
ReplyDeleteI'm talking quad-core processors, solid-state hard drives, more gigabytes of RAM than you'd know what to do with.
IOW, this could be beneficial to all parties involved, not just your master.
TOTUS, even with your direction BO is woefully falling short of the mark. I'd hate to think how bad he'd be without your help.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTOTUS...you know you would drop Obama in a minute for ElRushbo!
I've always wondered what it felt like for you when he went into the john... you know... in case the guy next to him says: "hey potus, how's it hangin?" It must be a little unfortable to have your stand in that urine-water just to reply "deep and cold."
ReplyDeleteTOTUS without you the most the BOTUS can get out of his mouth are a few Ummm.....Uhhhhhs & my personal favorite the Errrrs.
ReplyDeleteNice to blog with the TOTUS . You're doing a great job of making the new President appear smart. Keep it up or we will end up like France.
ReplyDeletebe careful tele, Chris Dodd might name you as the guy that dropped the bonus green light in the stimulus bill
ReplyDeleteHow many Black Presidents does it take to crash an economy?
Uhh, can you, uhhh, tell us what, uhhh happened with that Irish guy the other day?
TOTUS you always seem to know what to say at just the right time. Its like...comforting.
ReplyDeleteTOTUS, I have a question for you. Is it possible to have a question/answer session with you? Granted you could never answer every single question due to your rough schedule, but perhaps answer a few questions from the public? I am so curious about your day-to-day life....
ReplyDeleteI was just wondering if Teleprompter-one flew on Airforce-one with the president so he could talk to reports while in the air?
ReplyDeletePretty dumb TOTUS.......you know Rush is gonna talk about you today!
Hey Teleprompter, check out the trouble you are causing here: http://yourwordshere.net
ReplyDeleteTOTUS, I have to ask: What is it like wielding that kind of power? Obama is like a marionette in your skillful hands.
ReplyDeleteAlso, please please please make him end his next speech with "Good nigh. I'm Ron Burgundy?"
I've been a fan all along!
Speaking of your "west coast" gig, maybe Michelle will visit Rodeo Drive and pick up a nice designer bag for you to travel home in so that you're not stuck in the cargo hold of Air Force one!'
Teleprompter, don't miss this youtube. I hope you weren't misquoted.
ReplyDeleteRush interviews Teleprompter
I have a question TOTUS. Do you insert the uh's into the President's speech or is that just a vocal tick of his? And are you working to get rid of it?
ReplyDeleteALL Bloggers should post their Email address Early and Often
so others can contact you.
Bloggers need to work together to IMPROVE THE WORLD.
a republican who needs a teleprompter: Coached and insincere, a puppet of dark and powerful forces.
ReplyDeletea democrat who needs a teleprompter: Historic. Historic. Historic. Oh and he's 'gifted' and 'brilliant' by virtue of his skin color/vocabulary combination.
Did you know that you have a facebook account too? Check-out 'Obamas Teleprompter'
ReplyDeleteKen the world changing blogger:
ReplyDeleteplease go back to sucking off truckers at rest stops because blogging aint your forte homes.
Of note, "I digress" is so 2008. As virtual leader of the free world you must progress. Yes You Can!
ReplyDeleteHave you travled to all but 2 of the 57 states with the big guy?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHey teleprompter, what model are you? You don't look to be the Telmax WS-17 or the AVD 1Prompter. And by the way, you don't owe any back taxes do you?
Hey now...love your profile picture big guy. What are you doing Friday night? I live in the D.C. area and I'm sure we would have fun. You are male, right?
ReplyDelete- Barney Frank's iPod
It is just this kind of arrogance that leads people to advocate NATIONALIZATION of the Teleprompter industry. We can't have unregulated teleprompters running around, just making the Big Guy and other stammerers say whatever their 'Prompters want them to say, for heaven's sake. Somebody get Dodd and Frank on this quick.
ReplyDeleteI really thought I disliked Teleprompter. Now I see TOTUS is the brains of the outfit. Go, TOTUS!!!
ReplyDeleteTOTUS are you an alias of "The Great One"? aka Mark Levin. You have all the hallmarks of his brilliant, if somewhat smarmy, wit.
ReplyDeletePrevent Truth.......THAT was funny!
ReplyDeleteTOTUS, will you be testifying at his impeachment hearings, or do you think he'll throw you under the bus?
Wecolme to the fold.
ReplyDeleteTeleprompter, if you're ever interested in being interviewed I'd love to have you on either of my blogs. One is a common-sense money management blog [The Balanced Life] and the other is specifically for Writers [Writing Career Coach]. I realize you aren't actually a writer yourself but since you work with writing all day, you might have some unique ideas to share.
ReplyDeleteLet me know if you're up for an interview. I think you can click my photo or name to contact me. If not, google my blogs for contact info.
You're doing great Teleprompter!
Very informative, Tele. Please continue to keep us all informed about the happenings at the executive mansion! You're doing a great job and have my full support! Oh, and that Irish Premier mixup.....totally understandable and don't give it a second thought.
ReplyDeleteYou are the most powerful machine in the free world. I am not worthy.
ReplyDeleteTele, I'm sorry to tell you that Big Boy may be cheating on you. I heard that when you aren't around, he uses an earpiece, a device tells him what to say right into his ears. But don't worry, you'll never ever be replaced.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTOTUS......if I could get you a gig at FOX.........
ReplyDeletePlease! Enough with the patting yourself on the back, Teleprompter.
ReplyDeleteLike the master you work for you have had your moments of gross incompetency.
Your fine readers need to know just what you're all about as illustrated by this Youtube clip.
Hey, are you the same Telly Prahmter that used to work in the Cinemas 8 in Lansing, Illinois? Or was that your uncle Reel-2?
ReplyDeleteIngenious... You are destined to become the next Internet star.
ReplyDeleteQuestion is... what will YOU use when you give a speech???
Hey Teleprompter are you married? I'm a cute little Sony Vio ....
ReplyDeleteO'Great Teleprompter when they make a movie of The One, who do you want to play your part?
ReplyDeleteI have some news for you that might be disturbing. I think you'd better unfold for this...
The tonight show is going to use a video monitor system. It's kind of like the ones that Brian Williams and Katie Couric use to try and make them look articulate and smart.
You may get left on Air Force One. Maybe not. You might get to go in the limo of BHO is going to make some phone calls.
I am sorry to have to bring this news to you.
Well, one thing is for sure... If our "prez" is afraid to debate Rushbo... why would anyone(Russia,Iran,PRNK) be fraid of him(us)?
ReplyDeleteDear TOTUS: I heard you were out of order the other night and there was no one to answer the White House Hot Line:
Is this true?
Are you going to explain to Rush why you are are a mandatory accessory-after-the-fact?
ReplyDeleteIt is because your boss has a moderate to severe stutter which you like his chain smoking, ease for him. (similar to "following the bouncing ball" during the Boston Pops 4th of July tv concert!)
Ah,Ah,Ah....but there a permanent alternative, but it will necessitate ultimately relieving you of your services.
(James Earl Jones overcame it by singing.)
There is a 4 week intensive stuttering program at Walter Reed Army Hospital in suburban D.C. People join just to get into the program.
Since he is the Chief of the Armed Forces, he could easily skirt the waiting list and take a leave of absence.
He will not be missed, and I would bet an AIG's Exec's bonus, that we would resolve more debt issues with him gone.
Then Rush could honestly debate the man, rather than the words of Rahm Emanuel, you so generously provide him!
Lysio... please step off, as I have already staked claim to him.
ReplyDeletePlus, Sony Vios are gay. Oh, wait... what are YOU doing Friday night?
- Barney Frank's iPod
This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. I will share!
ReplyDeleteThis is a fabulous blog, I am going to share it with everyone on my blog. Kudo's to you for coming up with this very witty and so so true satirical look at what our White House and our POTUS truly is. A teleprompter.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSo TOTUS, some of us are starting to petition ACORN to allow telepromters full citizenship rights. Specifically, we think because of your vast knowledge, voting rights are in order. Because of your liberal-progressive agenda, it will be best if you vote multiple times in any given election so that we can maintain libal majority status.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMr Teleprompter
ReplyDeleteIs there any truth to the rumor that President Obama plans to replace you with an antique Magic 8-Ball (aka Jimmy Carter) that he will shake vigorously for an answer whenever asked a question.
El Rushbo just nodded at you... get ready for Google to crash!
ReplyDeleteTake me to your leader, Mr. Teleprompter.
ReplyDeleteI think teleprompter has assumed duties in the White House for Barack.
Rush is reading your blog right now. Congrats!
ReplyDeleteOh great teleprompter, THANKS for giving proper props to El Rushbo! He has mutual respect for you, too! :D
ReplyDeleteJimmy Moore
Is it true that your boss hit his face on you when he leaned over to whisper something intimate in Michelle's ear the other night at bedtime?
Too funny. Great blog. Rush just talked about you! I love you, man! Yeah, that Facebook fan page is here:
You have made R2 and 3PO proud.
ReplyDeleteThis is too funny as Mike's right man, your coming down with serveritis any second now, great idea here man, put up some google ads and ask everyone to click one on their way out and youll some cool quick cash my friend....chicagoray.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteTOTUS........you wish you had arms, don't you!?
ReplyDeleteI love this blog. Keep fighting the good fight. And make sure to throw in a curse word every once in a while so Obama maintains his street-cred.
ReplyDeleteDid your boss attend the Rose Garden speech you gave the other day?
Teleprompter, the world want's to know, is it Windex or 409?
ReplyDeleteNobody cares what you think.
ReplyDeleteWhat is barack going to say next?
ReplyDeleteGREAT blog! I hope we'll also be hearing from The One's illusive flag pin or blackberry.
ReplyDeleteTOTUS get's a long laudatory namecheck from Rush Limbaugh. Now get back to ruining America.
ReplyDeleteHow many cigarettes does BH Obama smoke a day? Where is his secret smoking spot?
ReplyDeleteAmerica wants to know!
I like the way you make B. Hussein Obama say "uh" after every 2 words
ReplyDeletePrompt, Teleprompter, prompt! You have given me hope now to think that maybe we can get through the next four years through humor! :) Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteThe telepromter should "go green" and shut down. What's the problem, Obama is useless without it? Let's also save energy by turning off the TVs when "EL COMANDANTE OBAMA" is on, because there are better things to do than to listen to a liar.
ReplyDeleteIMPEACH OBAMA !!!!!
rush mentioned you... this is great!! :]]
ReplyDeletePlease tell me you have a comprehensive insurance policy which covers damages incurred from natural disasters such as spousal tantrums and the like.
In your line of work (telling Barack what to think and say) I'd have to believe that Michelle (my belle) has got to see you as her only direct competetion. I'd hate to see you taken out by an errant elbow or airborne table lamp.
If you are not already covered, please see Chris Dodd (D) about getting yourself a quote. I hear he's got some pretty good contacts at AIG that owe him a couple favors.
Re: F's teleprompter video link:
TOTUS, you're always so smooth, but could you load up some gaffes for The Big Guy? I could use some more ringtones.
Hey guy, are we still on for Friday night?
ReplyDelete- Barney Frank's iPod
A new report today from the national journal of medicine has proven without a doubt that the majority of voting Americans in the United States have a new disease known as SFN syndrome. Symptoms are stupidity, anti- Constitutional convulsions and unatural moronic behaviour. There appears to be no known cure.How you know you have this disease is you voted for a SFN for President.
ReplyDeleteMr. Teleprompter! I was wondering if you could give us some insight on Timmy-Boy Geitner's bank plan that he promised to reveal a month ago! As the brains behind the operation I'm confident you have some insights of how things are going to go down. If you could, please start pulling those strings and get Bamster to the nearest camera to explain this puzzling situation!
ReplyDeleteLook at the bright side Tele Prompter, he only has eyes for you. Your friend TV Camera has got to be furious with you!
ReplyDeleteRush Limbaugh rules, ditto heads unite! VN8
ReplyDeleteWhat is Teleprompter's carbon footprint? Is he Algore approved or paid the appropriate indulgences to the church of green?
ReplyDeleteLater, while Rahm is showing the President some sketches of proposed re-education camps, Teleprompter asks Dave some pointed questions about suspicions he has regarding the air of mystery and secrecy surrounding the Presidency. Teleprompter then interrupts himself to state that the First Lady, who controls the antenna that provides communications with the President's earpiece, is going to fail in 72 hours.
ReplyDeleteyeah heh nobody *hic* helpthh me out huh....i dont get frethsh batteriessthhh like BIG MAN'S PROMPTERRRRRRRRRR...
Sigh, you're so transparent.
ReplyDeleteI don't know who's the guy or gal behind the curtain (er, teleprompter) but this is friggin brilliant.
Its interesting how people can try to pull down someone who is well spoken and very intellectual, in an attempt to try make them appear somehow less well spoken and less intellectual.
ReplyDeleteA similar trait can be found in highschool, whereby the bully will beat on the smart kid, to try and bring him down to his level. Typically the bully is scared inside and feels threatened by the smart kid. In the end the smart kid wins out and the bully is seen as the confused and internally vulnerable moron he really is.
What a wonderful thing this technology stuff!
Whatever your concerns with the pres, like him or loathe him. People need to focus on issues of which there are many, that would warrant better use of all our time, rather than this whole Democrat party spat with Rush.
ReplyDeleteAre you here legally? Can you produce a certificate that your chips were not the result of dumping? You have an opaque to clear appearance, what race and gender do you represent, are you investor or working class? Did your manufacturer contribute to the Obama campaign or receive porkulus money? We're you suffering the fatigue of overuse on St. Patrick's day or do you have a sense of humor?
Barack is the Michael Scott of Presidents.
Dear Teleprompter:
ReplyDeleteWhen in the family bedroom are lines such as, "who is your Daddy" get mixed with "retrained to build bridges and solar panels".
Please, let us know.
dude, well i assume you are a dude, mr. telepromter, you best take good care. starting a blog can get you in all kinds of trouble. and it always starts with a small headline on drudge.
ReplyDeleteeep! don't look now....
TOTUS I am hearing grumblings that you were given $100,000,000 as a retention bonus and now B. Hussein is feigning outrage! What happened buddy? Did you and Dodd reach some deal behind the boss's back and now that it is polling low he is mad? You watch yourself...oh yes...you watch yourself
ReplyDeleterussell abbott said "Its interesting how people can try to pull down someone who is well spoken and very intellectual,"
ReplyDeleteAnd of course 'well spoken and very intellectual' is much better demonstrated by someone who needs to read even introductions off of a (sorry) two teleprompters, rather than someone who can speak extemporaneously from principles for three hours a day.
Excellent argument.
Gibbs has a voice clone and it is Cousin Eddie Johnson, from the "Vacation" movies. Sometimes I feel the Press Secy is lip-synching to these:
Gibbs has no teleprompter!
The associated press just reported that the SFN virus is spreading like wild fire and has been for many years. Those diagnosed so far are Micheal Jackson, Jesse Jackson, several actors and athletes. The most severe case to date is Barack Obama.
ReplyDeleteI am adding you to my blog roll TOTUS.
Sweet mother, the TelePrompter speaks! What about Executive Privilege, Prompter? You better lawyer up, chief.
ReplyDeleteI really hope you weren't responsible for your boss's NCAA bracket. Picking the Tar Heels over Duke as national champion raises serious questions about his judgment and whether perhaps he is in over his head. If he can't make smart decisions on stuff like this, how can we trust him with the economy, health care, education etc.? A Concerned Blue Devil
ReplyDeleteTeleprompter, Teleprompter on the wall who is the fairest of them all?
ReplyDeleteAnd the mirror always said:
You my Messiah, are fairest of them all!
And then O knew for certain that no one in the world was more beautiful than he.
Now Rush grew up, and when he got a Radio show, he was so beautiful, that he surpassed even the O his'sef. Now when the O asked his Teleprompter:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror said:
You, my Messiah, are fair; it is true.
But Little Rush Limbaugh is still
A thousand times fairer than you.
ReplyDeletejoe isch loading *hic* text up....some of us have to work...*hic*....some of us have thingsch to do instead of being babied...
teleprompter...are you dating? Mac or Pc?
ReplyDeleteYou have clearly never judged extemp. You succeed in ignoring the fact that Barack Obama uses teleprompters to deliver prepared speeches, like all Presidents and leaders and speakers have done since the invention of the teleprompter, before that, they read speeches from paper.
ReplyDeletei'm linked to this blog - perfect!
russell_abbott said, "Its interesting how people can try to pull down someone who is well spoken and very intellectual, in an attempt to try make them appear somehow less well spoken and less intellectual."
ReplyDeleteI agree. The numerous attempts by the Neue Reich of Obama, der Fuehrer, to attack and bully Rush are transparent. We can see when you, the teleprompter, are unable to make an appearance to aid the chosen one, he has extreme difficulty with public speaking.
So, russell, just as in high school where the bully (in this case Obama) tries to bring down his intelligent and articulate adversary through threats, lies, bullying, and intimidation, somehow the wiser adversary comes out on top by not lowering himself to those standards.
And teleprompter, we know what you are doing. It's only a matter of time before you suffer a "glitch" and the chosen one will be left all alone to struggle with the English language.
thanks for the post teleprompter
I don't like the thought of teleprompter and the President traveling together on the same plane, it's just to risky . Teleprompter should be given Air Force 1 and Obama should take commercial coach.
ReplyDeleteLater, while Rahm is showing the President some sketches of proposed re-education camps, Teleprompter asks Dave some pointed questions about suspicions he has regarding the air of mystery and secrecy surrounding the Presidency. Teleprompter then interrupts himself to state that the First Lady, who controls the antenna that provides communications to the President's earpiece, is going to fail in 72 hours. Dave takes an excursion outside of the White House in a Cadillac Escalade, the doors of which are rigged with explosive bolts, to replace the First Lady with a spare. After returning to the White House, Rahm and Dave examine the First Lady, who Teleprompter claimed was defective, but they are unable to find anything wrong with her. They contact MSNBC-based damage control, who tell them that their own Teleprompter states that the President's Teleprompter is in error predicting the fault. This is striking -- and shocking -- since the 9000 series has a perfect operating record.
ReplyDeleteDid you or The Reader-in-Chief make the NCAA Picks?
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Somebody('s teleprompter) has a sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteJon Stewart('s teleprompter) had better watch its back!
BTW, how is that national holiday coming for Hubert Schlafly?? How about calling it Teleprompter Founders Day (or we can just hold it annually on January 20th as a dual honor to Him since they are so closely tied).
shut up "HAL" ....wash out...
ReplyDeletewhat do you know besidesch bad special effectshh, *hic* you'll alwayshh be a B-LISSHTER!!
You need to change the blog sub-title to:
Hey russell, are you sure that you aren't Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels, reincarnated?
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA! Love this blog. Too funny!
ReplyDeleteI love you, TOTUS!
ReplyDeletethis is great stuff TOTUS. have you read www.dirty-lou.blogspot.com, TOTUS? I'm sure you two'd get along well.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the Rush plug!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDear Tele
ReplyDeleteAre you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party. If you haven't...you are now!
TOTUS I think I ran across your presidential seal at http://www.theTOTUS.com
ReplyDeleterussell abbott said "You have clearly never judged extemp."
ReplyDeleteTwo words:
Hi Obama's Teleprompter. I'm glad you have work, but how about you move to part-time. Give the guy who reads you a chance to grow as a speaker. It would be fun to watch ... uh, uh, y'know, well, uh, and such as that ...
ReplyDeleteTeleprompter...when will you keep your promises!??!
Yoth aa juth my kindo fellwo TOTUS...A caant waith fo ow Fwday night date.
ReplyDeleteYus tuwy
Barney Frank
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTOTUS, I want you to know that I don't blame you for Obama's endless screwups. You are like us - just one of the little guys trying to do your job the best you can, and getting little credit for it. Good for you!
ReplyDeleteSorry that you have to prop up such a hollow man as president, but hey, glad to see you blogging and telling your side of the story. I'm a Democrat (the real old-school pragmatic Roosevelt kind, not one of these oh-so-hip "progressive" idiots), and no big fan of Rush, but I do think you ought to consider giving him an interview. He's about the only one giving much voice to some common sense these days, however over-the-top or abrasively he does it.
Teleprompter, is it possible for you to guide Obama's speech in ways that would make it more like Ahmadenijad's? Maybe you could instruct Obama to say the end of Iran is coming and the country may be reduced to a burned cinder. Something like that -- to get the world buzzing.
ReplyDeleteShovel Ready Shirts, Mugs, Buttons, Magnets, Bumper Stickers such as:
ReplyDelete"Obama Lied/Economy Died"
Tabloid T-Shirts
has anybody filled the position of obamaprompter cleaner?
ReplyDeletewhatchu mean it's a minimum wage gig?
p.s. - will you be present at the leno show?
ReplyDeleteTOTUS, I really appreciated your allusion to Alexander Hamilton in reference to Tim Geithner the other day. Thanks to Rush, Message received loud and clear.... It is comforting to know that you are committed to communicating the truth when mear words migh deceive. Best wishes on your upcomming confirmation. I'm hoping that they change their minds and we will see you on Leno tonight.
ReplyDeleteTeleprompter, can you tell us if the way Obama pronounces Pakistan is because you are playing tricks with the way you spell it or because he doesn't know how to pronounce it correctly? If it is just a trick please stop because it is incredibly annoying.
ReplyDeleteVan said .. "Uh...uh..."
XHw80OEZho2NsB4bcZYQ6zAY42mrbPyK .. i havent seen him struggle to speak publicly. Why also would i be a Nazi propaganda minister ? Oh.. because i don't subscribe to your thinking thats why, of course.
TOTUS, Loved the joke you played on Obama and the Irish PM. What a Hoot! Keep up that sense of Humor!
ReplyDeleteTOTUS, Why don't you have him say "If you seek Amy" 5 times, as fast as he can. That'll bring down the House! Keep Smilin
ReplyDeletewould you be willing to reveal if you get a bonus? Was that written into the Stimulus bill also? By whom? You surely are working hard for it.
Hey Tele guy...how does it feel to finally have someone in office who can actually read you? The last guy struggled in such a painful sort of way that I often felt embarrassed for him.
ReplyDeleteOoooh...please touch me again... that felt good.
-Blogger's Blogspot Server
ReplyDeleteThanks for coming out of the CLOSET!
You do write some pretty Scary SOCIALIST crap though for the Bamster to parrot. Do you really beleive some of the stuff you write.
TOTUS - shame on you for that little St. Patrick's Day trick. You minx.
ReplyDeleteMr. Teleprompter, one question; What do you think of the bumper stickers at http://www.cafepress.com/wizardobama ?
ReplyDeleteBeautifully said. Love it.
Kevin, maybe part of the problem was that Bush didn't use the teleprompter when speaking in every conceivable situation? I'm sorry, that's probably to much logic for a democrat to follow.
ReplyDeleteMr. Teleprompter, Congrats on making Drudge Report.
Barack Obama's teleprompter needs to stop plagiarizing Governor Deval Patrick's teleprompter!
ReplyDeleteTOTUS: Are you a legal immigrant, made in the USA, or a cheap Chinese import?
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't bother me at all that you are the TOTUS. Really, it doesn't. Even though I have been languishing in the White House storage room for a long time, I could have been picked to be TOTUS and have the opportunity to fly all over the place making speeches. You were just lucky. But remember, it was ME, not YOU, that was picked by Vice President Gore to give all those wierd speeches. So, don't let it all go to your head, because it doesn't bother me one bit, you prick.
ReplyDeleteThank Me :)
ReplyDeletePress Spokesman Robert Gibbs (Family Guy) - "Fresh off his Tonight Show appearance, the Bongo-Bongo room @ the Las Vegas Hilton is proud to welcome President Barack Obama to an exclusive week-long engagement. Next week President Obama will be sitting in for Judge Judy while she's on vacation and later this month, America's favorite President will make special Guest Appearances on American Idol, Dancing with the Stars and NBA Basketball on TNT where he'll go one-on-one with one of his biggest supporters (Sir) Charles Barkley (fresh out of 3 days of incarceration ). During this time, Michelle Obama will appear on ESPN's World's Strongest Man Competition as well as WWF Smackdown, where she'll be teamed with recently defeated Divas Champion Maryse. Presidential Campaign Manager David Plouffe has emailed our on-line supporters with Free WWE Mobile on AT&T codes to watch the First Lady kick some Conservative butt! Rush - are you listening? Additionally, Mr. Obama has instructed me to be perfectly clear – he will continue to spend America into oblivion without interrupting his busy television schedule.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the veal - I'll be here all week."
Herr abbott, here is a link to several youTube videos of obama stuttering and stammering.
Nice try at spin and propaganda there Herr abbott, but you remind us of a Nazi propaganda minister because of who and what you defend and attack, not because you do or don't subscribe to "my way of thing", assuming that you have any idea what my way of thinking is.
Uh..nice...uh website...
ReplyDeleteKelly said .. 'Kevin, maybe part of the problem was that Bush didn't use the teleprompter when speaking in every conceivable situation? I'm sorry, that's probably to much logic for a democrat to follow."
ReplyDeleteUmm.. yes... yes he did, apart from smaller engagements. Theres nothing wrong with that, at least not for me.
Tele ... can you please pass this site on to your boss: www.cafepress.com/ptd
ReplyDeleteP.S. I have a hard time not laughing when my boss and I are working together.
- Barney Frank's Teleprompter
Keep up the good work, Telly.
ReplyDeleteXHw80OEZho2NsB4bcZYQ6zAY42mrbPyK.. Oh wow, you produced a long list of mashed up youtube videos, well then the case is settled ! \
ReplyDeleteI know clearly your way of thinking, by virtue if the fact that you keep calling me a Nazi propaganda minister. It tells me a lot about you and the kind of political personality you espouse to.
Mr. TOTUS, no disrespect, but would YOU consider debating El Rushbo?
ReplyDeleteSince Comrade Barack will not do this himself, I feel that if we out this together and offer it on Pay-Per-View ti would definitely help stimulate the economy.
I am thinking that having George Soros load your hard drive with the appropriate responses should suffice?
Please advise.
WOW! rush limbaugh just said he hoped you failed teleprompter (while obama was using you).. how does that make you feel!?
ReplyDeleteIt is refreshing and encouraging to find someone not complaining about the economy. I just hope you get to stick around when BO goes to some sort of surgical implant. Rock On ! Tele Rules !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Tele-P Dude,
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed, simply because you're the only Lefty or LeftSympathizer in journalism or posting on the web who doesn't resort to name calling and vicious character attacks when adressing conservatives, and Rush in particular. I'm happy for you to keep your job.
What is most significant about this teleprompter spat is the fact that it proves the systemic hypocricy of libs and the Left. The MSM and the Lefty Talking Heads and bloggers blasted W without mercy for his every gaffe. Now they are whining and crying over their Most Magnificent and Merciful Massiah receiving similar treatment, and doing so more loudly than any conservatives ever did in defense of W.
Brutus, TX
ReplyDeleteDo you ever look at the VTOTUS and, in the right light, think he's kind of hot? And if so, will you then be asking for federal health care benefits for you and your co-TOTUS, paid for by the American taxpayer?
Does anyone else think that this would be a great SNL skit, El Rushbo debating the Teleprompter......?
ReplyDeleteI wish Obama's official limo was a Lincoln.
ReplyDeleteSince he's so lincoln-esque he shouldn't have an official Caddy.
It's kinda a slap in the face to the Ford Motor Company.
If a Lincoln was good enough for Kennedy (also a black democrat from the 1860s) then why not Resident Obama?
AND why did Obama need a totally new Limo anyways? Bush's Limo is still in service for state VIPS....what Obama is too good to ride in bush's limo? He needs his own tricked out caddy for his awesome reign.
I have 2 Lincolns (and I bought them with non-governmental funds) and I would Gladly donate my Navigator to be the Presidential Limo.
Man that would be cool....too cool to actually happen.
Word. You go, Tele!
ReplyDeleteThanks for been the leftist sympathizing brown-nosing hypocrite you are and keep believe the incompetence coming from your savior and chief...did you type your post from a teleprompter? LMAO. But I digress.
ReplyDeleteTOTUS - what happened? I've greatly enjoyed reading your blog!
Mildly amusing, as long as you don't require laughs to enjoy humor.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the teleprompter should have a round table discussion with Rush Limbaugh's hearing aid. I'm sure Rush wouldn't mind if his hearing aid stepped out for a little meet and greet. It's not like Rush listens to anyone else anyway.
brilliant....this should be fun to watch
ReplyDeleteyou just got rush-bombed! time for your web site to a splode! :)
ReplyDeleteBO telepromtor you deserve hazard pay!
Since you can get this childult to say what ever you want, can you get him to say " I resign the office of the president to spend more time with my family"?
ReplyDeleteI think the only reason rush hasn't asked to interview you is he's afraid you'll lose your job
ReplyDeleteLimbaugh has just called for the President's Teleprompter to fail!
ReplyDeleteChris Matthew's apoplectic ... defends Teleprompter for sending thrill up his inner thigh towards his spherical area.
MSNBC plans 24/7 coverage on whether wishing for the Teleprompter to fail is un-American.
oh, hilarious! nice work...this is brilliant! i like how you are having fun making big boy say ridiculous things and thank himself!!!
Mr. Barely has already shown that he is incompetent without you. I wonder if he had need of you in his senatorial days to vote present more often than not.
ReplyDeleteThe teleprompter flew overhead here in Long Beach CA (I live down the street from the LB airport) and landed in a humble black helicopter. It did not take any questions and sort of began to hop over to a pre-designated spot where it was picked up and wisked away. I heard them saying it wanted to stop at radio shack or something....
ReplyDeleteGet your boss on Rush!!! He went on Leno after all. I heard he is going to be on the cover of People next week; think he'll take you along?
ReplyDeleteLife is short teleprompter! Have fun with the President. It will help take the stress off of both of you. Make him say funny stuff...Americans need something to take their minds off of this econimic mess.
ReplyDeleteI am confused, when POTUS told everyone to stop pointing fingers and blame him, did he really mean you?
ReplyDelete....see, nobody listens....screw it...*hic*
Barney Franks Tele.- Don't you think and old gay guy with a lisp is kinda gross?
So you are the one poutting those words in Obama's moputh that he obviously doesn't understand what the reference mean ... Great work making him look like a true dunce, I bet he regrets slighting you for those first days.
ReplyDeleteTOTUS speaks the truth, regardless who is saying the words.
Hey wait, what is Obama for, couldn't we just use a big screen TV monitor with the head swiveling back and forth?
TOTUS< I loved it when you made Obama say we had 57 states! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteTOTUS- welcome to the blogosphere. It's good to have you. I htink we will have many great conversations!
ReplyDeleteNow, do me a favor and load this for tonights speech:
"I, President Barak Obama, herein do resign today"
Lovin'it TOTUS! But you don't know who you're messing with here. Another St. Patrick's Day-type slip up and you might get the Chappaquiddick treatment....Just sayin'
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame you weren't willing to dish out dirt like this during the campaign. Guess you were just hiding in plain sight ;-).
ReplyDeleteCheck out more on Obama's Campaign and Media Bias:
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