The bigger questions: How did Dick Vitale get into the picture? And how is it four different countries selected four men who like they belong on the couch at the Omega house rush party in "Animal House"?
Because with this "Big Guy" there is definitely no POTUS without TOTUS
I've been checking your site for a while now. I really think you need to put your talents to better use. Like getting out of your moms basement and doing something of value for the conservative movement besides pretending to be the mouth piece of an inanimate object. As for all you nut-jobs actually trying to communicate with your imaginary friend here, do something of value as well. Grow up people, America is heading for socialism in case you havn't noticed. At least try and make some money here...or don't you believe in capitalism. Even Rush plays for profit!
ReplyDeleteJoe...ad hominum attacks are the purvey of lefties...good humour is a weapon of conservatives (in between all the work we are doing to further our cause).
ReplyDeleteA very nice British lady taught me how to respond to critics like yourself:
Bugger off!!
This is a joke... people "communicate" with the TOTUS because it's funny. What did Obama say we all needed - "gallows humor?" That's what this did. Lighten up a tad and see it for what it is, eh?
ReplyDeleteI think Joe is wound a little too tight.
ReplyDeleteThis is a daily stop now.
Alot of us are doing other stuff outside of this. We put this on our blog lists, and it takes us maybe 5 seconds to check upon something. Big deal. We read, we laugh, then we move on and try to do something useful.
ReplyDeleteYou need to chill out and laugh a bit, Joe. Making fun of Obama, like making fun of most stupid politicians, is like shooting fish in a barrel. Why not take a shot? Free fish.
FYI loyal basement dwellers. I have NEVER voted Democrat! In fact, how many of you guys voted for Ford of Reagan? Not many I bet...especially not DOLTUS. The time to get serious in NOW! I bet not one of you has written or called your rep. in congress since the idiot was elected...have ya? I thought so.
ReplyDeleteActually I do everyday. Doesn't really help because I'm in an all democrat state, but pissing them off is just as fun.
ReplyDeleteAlso, voting Republican doesn't always mean conservative. Look at the Republicans' last major reps, since about 2000. Not exactly what I'd call conservative.
Who's your rep and senators?
Nice diversion attempt, "JOE". You got us all talking about you (and that's what it's all about in your world, huh). Take the Amtrack back to Home Depot where you say you hang out all the time, Biden. And, hey, next time try to come up with a better pseudonymn. "Joe" LOL. Oh, and next time bring along your sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteNice one haha
ReplyDeleteHey TOT,
ReplyDeleteI was kinda thinking that I'd just wind down after another hard day doing my share to make a buck in the real world and stop to see what kind of fun you and the Big Guy had together today. Seemed like a good alternative to screaming at the Big Head on the TV. I heard him say AGAIN... "I am the President..." in one of his speeches. I noticed he says that quite a lot. What's up with that? Isn't that supposed to be a given?
I get it...TOTUS, it's one of those New Age confidence building techniques you are using to convince him he is believable in the role. Sort of like, if he says it out loud on camera instead of just in front of the mirror, he'll begin to finally start acting on behalf of the American people? Good thinking.
But then I realized what really happened was, you were just thinking out loud on the screen and he took it as a prompt. That's classic! I bet that you, Toes and Gibbsy had a good laugh about that one later.
By the way, I was sorry you weren't in the class picture.
Oh, that's right. You didn't want to be mistaken for one of the class clowns. Good thinking little guy.
Take 'er easy.
TOTUS, lots of people are upset about POTUS bowing down to the Saudi king. Not me. It's easy to explain. Catholics kiss the Pope's ring when they meet him. Likewise, when a Muslim meets the Saudi king they bow. Simple as that.
ReplyDeleteOK. How about this. Hey TOTUS, did you get a chance to try some fish-N-chips, or is the grease a little to hard to clean off your screen. And what about the Queen...Obama said she reminded him of his grandma. he said when he walked in she grabbed her purse and held tight. Then he said, it's not yo money I'm after...it's those stupid sapps back in the states. Ha! Ha! He said it reminded him of the last time he saw grandma - rest her soul. You know, back when she "died" of "natural" causes just in political time to help revive his run and get the sympathy vote. Poor grandma...did CSI ever follow-up on that. Check the pillow real close now. How's that for some regular & gallows humor???
ReplyDeleteHi, TOTUS. I, for one, am glad to see that you've got a blog now, so your voice can be heard. I was going to ask you about the Big Guy being so happy these days. This seems to contradict a story that just ran in the Onion. Is it true that he's that depressed? I totally know what he's going through. But more to the point, is it true that he would watch Battlestar Galactica on your screen, with the volume turned all the way up, as the article implies? Inquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeleteThat picture does not inspire confidence. At all.
ReplyDeleteTalk about your buzz killers. I was enjoying myself at Disney World and got word that f***ing grand jury back in Illinois indicted me. So, TOTUS, just thought I'd let you and Toes and the Big Guy know I'm still thinking about you and I'm still up for a little Pay-for-Play action. What I got is f***ing golden, if you know what I mean. I know Toes speaks my language.
ReplyDeleteThat's hilarious Blago
ReplyDeleteJoe, Joe, Joe, wow, take a little downer and chill. Conservatives need a good laugh to keep us all from crying! LOL I for one voted for Reagan, I'm a conservative, love my Country, write all my Representatives, participate in the political process, protest and still find time to work and stimulate the economy and have time for humor. I mean, if I can do it all, I think other people surely can. Try and relax, we are in the valley of the shadow right now and we just have to climb back up to the "shining city on the hill"! Sooner rather than later. VN8
ReplyDeleteTOTUS,are you responsible for this?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe more I look at this photo the funnier it gets! So true, too:
"Ken, Lonny, l'd like you to meet...
Jugdish, Sidney and Clayton.
Grab a seat and make yourselves at home.
And don't be shy about helping yourselves
to punch and cookies."
That picture gives new meaning to the term ''douche chill...''
ReplyDelete"...class clowns"! Good one Imageremix. And their secret names are: Mohammet, Jugdish, Sidney, and Clayton (he LOOKS like a Clayton, heh, heh)! [Nice one Rundstrom] What a circus.
ReplyDeleteHey, "Joe," welcome back. You DO have a sense of humor. Great point about poor ol' grandma. Apparently, she was in I.C.U. for months after being run over by little Barry's bus. "Ooops, sorry." The timing of her death was suspicious to say the least. Right on cue. Wonder how much that nurse was paid to give her that IV... .
Vice President Biden? I'm honored you visited my site. Don't worry, you won't have to buy a t-shirt. I'll just drop one off at your office when we get back from Turkey. You didn't need to make a scene here to get one. All you had to do was ask.
ReplyDeleteJoey B's in the house....er....blog? By the way, TOTUS, thank you for adding him to the cast of characters. I hope he brings you a t-shirt or at least a pinata from South America. Do our DVD's work down there?
ReplyDelete[CR]AP -- Today one of the few school records of [expletive inserted] was discovered in the glove box of a 1970 VW Bug. On the single page torn from [expletive inserted]'s high school annual (yes, high school -- the 30-year plan guys] was the photo of the seniors voted "Most likely to commit armed robbery." The car is alleged to belong to Jugdish "Mother" Jones, but it had been in that swamp an awfully long time (this known because the skeleton in the backseat was in bad shape), so precise identification remains only plausible. Jones was unavailable for comment.
ReplyDeleteTOTUS, I knew that the VPOTUS was feeling a little left out and jealous of you. I never would have suspected he'd show up here disguised as a troll. You were very kind to him.
ReplyDeleteTOTUS, It's just great that these guys and of course you are running the world! It just gives you a lot of confidence.
ReplyDeleteJohn's Space
BARRY'S USED CARS!!! -- I LOVE that moniker! How's it goin' baby?
ReplyDeleteWho EVER would have thought a guy who did a little cocaine and owned a little community car lot would end up running General Motors Corp. because of his expert analysis of GM's financial statements. The Affirmative Action "president" strikes again.
BTW, re: the interesting point made by Imageremix about B.O.'s continually whining, "I am the president," [New Age self-talk, was Image's theory] -- there may be a simpler explanation. Lady M[acBeth]. Maureen Dowd of the NYTimes thinks so too, "The wrong Obama is in the Oval Office." This also explains the watery eyes and "beat" look of B.O. at the press conference today. Got slapped upside the face by the REAL president. Mmhmmm.
There is no POTUS without TOTUS. You got that right.
ReplyDeleteDebbie Hamilton
Right Truth
Some people just don't get it. Yes, TOTUS is fictional -- we all know that.
ReplyDeleteBut in his "fictional" commentary on life in the White House, his observations are nonetheless true. As the writer/director David Mamet wrote about humor (in his script for "The Untouchables"), "We laugh because it is funny, and we laugh because it is true."
In this blog, there is truth. People may do what they like with it. I personally don't see the point of calling a senator or representative every day. I will be there doing the work I think matters. This blog inspires people to do that.
So Joe, why are you reading this site "for a while now" if it's a waste of time?
ReplyDeleteI love our "imaginary friend", TOTUS. I imagine him taking a drag off a long, cool, Virginia Slim Menthol when he's off duty. And I smile.