Specifically, we just break out into giggling fits over some of the things the Administration folks have him saying. Like this morning, Big Guy was expected to record this with a straight-voice about legislation that required the federal government to pay for what it appropriated: "We need to adhere to the basic principle that new tax or entitlement policies should be paid for, so that government acts the same way any responsible family does in setting its budget."
I mean, really, who's writing this stuff?
You crack me up!I love this Blog.. always good to get some "inside" information, who better than you!
ReplyDeleteAs a bit of aside, how do you and Big O's Blackberry get along? Do you help Big Guy do his texting or is he winging it on his own?
TOTUS, do you use little face-icons to signal when BO is supposed to smile, frown, or giggle when he's speaking?
ReplyDeleteIf so, please create, and use frequently, a face-icon for, "D-oh!"----okay? THANKS!
I read your twitter on Swine flu. Is it true that 90% of Mexico's pigs come from the US or do 90% of our pigs come from Mexico?
ReplyDeleteWouldja look at that big donkey's teeth. "Heee, haaaw! Heeee, haaaawwwwwww!"
Just like Pinnochio when he changed from a lying wooden puppet into a donkey on "Pleasure Island." If you recall...... Pinnochio was a smoker, too.
[What a contrast to President Bush:
Bush: church going, wholesome White House parties, physically robust, bright, open, patriotic, friendly, natural born American
B. Hussein: skips church, decadent parties, physically effete, dull, deceitful and secretive, UNpatriotic, arrogant, natural born Kenyan]
Speaking of using you for practice, I see you are making yourself available for us ordinary folks to
TOTUS, you are so funny!! Keep it comin'!! Also, your posters are very astute. Many good ideas here -- love the frank talk and your terrific insider info. I almost feel connected to POTUS, though he's really more qualified to be Pres. of Kenya or a real Banana Republic. Mr. Soros should have at least found a home grown Marxist for the job. What are your thoughts on that?
ReplyDeleteWhich one of you will be scrolling on Wednesday, the handsome double screen or the bloated jumbotron?
AV...are Marxist Muslims immune to the swine flu?...
ReplyDeleteDoes it strike anyone else as peculiar that this strain of flu reportedly incorporates Avian bird flu with Swine flu from pigs and is transmitted to humans?
Did we have 'a little bit of help from our friends' here?
Just sayin'.
Ah Totus, thanks for the inside scoop on the humorous side of politics. I mean really, the government paying for what it spends--just like a family has to budget? What next, doing what's best for the country just like you do for your children?! My sides are still aching!
ReplyDeleteTOTUS, that picture sure looks like the Grin and Giggle that BG used, when Steve Kroft had to ask him "are you punch drunk?"
ReplyDeleteI didn't know if he was practicing to try out for a tooth whitener ad, or showing off his Shark imitation to scare us.
If we hear the dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum music I guess we will know.
Market Mover
11:00 AM ET
4-Week Bill Announcement
11:30 AM ET
3-Month Bill Auction
11:30 AM ET
6-Month Bill Auction
1:00 PM ET
2-Yr Note Auction
Tuesday - April 28, 2009
The Fed determines interest rate policy at FOMC meetings. These occur roughly every six we... more
FOMC Meeting Begins
Market Mover
7:45 AM ET
ICSC-Goldman Store Sales
8:55 AM ET
9:00 AM ET
S&P Case-Shiller HPI
10:00 AM ET
Consumer Confidence
1:00 PM ET
4-Week Bill Auction
1:00 PM ET
5-Yr Note Auction
Wednesday - April 29, 2009
Market Mover
7:00 AM ET
MBA Purchase Applications
8:30 AM ET
9:00 AM ET
30-Yr Bond Announcement
9:00 AM ET
Treasury Refunding Announcement
10:30 AM ET
EIA Petroleum Status Report
11:00 AM ET
10-Yr Note Announcement
11:00 AM ET
3-Yr Note Announcement
1:00 PM ET
7-Yr Note Auction
2:15 PM ET
FOMC Meeting Announcement
Thursday - April 30, 2009
Market Mover
8:30 AM ET
Employment Cost Index
8:30 AM ET
Jobless Claims
8:30 AM ET
Personal Income and Outlays
9:45 AM ET
Chicago PMI
10:30 AM ET
EIA Natural Gas Report
11:00 AM ET
3-Month Bill Announcement
11:00 AM ET
52-Week Bill Announcement
52-Week Bill Announcement- 4/30/09
View DefinitionDefinition
In its refunding announcement on April 30, 2008 the Treasury announced that it will begin issuing 52-week bills every four weeks. Treasury notes are sold at regularly scheduled public auctions. Competitive bids at these auctions determine the interest rate paid on each Treasury note issue. A group of 18 securities dealers (as of September 22, 2008), known as primary dealers, are authorized and obligated to submit competitive tenders at Treasury auctions. Dealers can hold, resell, or trade the securities with other firms. The Treasury usually announces the size, date and time of the monthly two-year note auction on the third or fourth Monday of each month. The auction takes place the following Wednesday and the securities are issued (settled) on the last day of the month. If the last day is a weekend or a holiday, the securities are issued on the first business day of the following month.
It's good (I guess) that he can say this stuff with a straight face!
ReplyDeleteJohn's Space
ReplyDeleteprofesor, cultura, mixed politics, human rights, extrem ortodox, royalist, I believe in IISUS HRISTOS DUMNEZEU, but I can play games with EU powers and others;
See on my Blogg: "TIME's SPIRAL ORDER"an ION C. TUDOR own brand, the victims list, as IT-hunter (this is AWESOME alias ION TUDOR-see "Mysteries of Time-A Theory of Trancendence",Comment by PhD Professor Doctor Honoris Causa, ION MANZAT, exiled by Ceausescu and SECURITY; Anexe in english, Appendix in english, presented at International Conference ETPA, attach-"The Theory of Transcendence"ppt, images by Dr Eng. DAN WINTER(USA), exiled by BUSH administration, scientist), INVENTOR in IT, me AWESOME, I can talk arround the GLOBE, via sattelites belt, and everybody can see what I intent to be SEEN, by PUBLIC, bankers, armies, Orson Wells stile, used,rumbling many minds; all the TIME, good manoovers, never against peoples; a list of many TRUE hidden things, in politics, in Globalized policy, manoover of bankers to generate "crisis", with documents-see the sites, see "ELITE BANKERS MANIFESTO", "HIDDEN GOVERNMENT", CRIMES INVESTIGATIONS, CyberArmy-"U of Edinburgh, exactlly coordinates of" ALL BLACKWATER location-the shadow ARMY of CHENEY, Ambi-BUSH, ERIK PRINCE, links with ROBERT ZANESCU-"ZEPHYR"-manager consultin, AIG-GEITHNER, finance Black-under-water, remaining provoked at AIR DUEL OVER the ATLANTIC RIFT, but they don't dend coordinates; ORTHODOX ARMY by, sustain press against police gen d'arme, SRI,SIE,DIE, no SECURITY dosier, hunted since 17 years, for 5 years by SECURITY, for become INFORMER, against "singers" of SECURITY, revenge OVER, battles, partial victory; adrenaline, frietendless, fast ripost; ESSENTIAL WEAPPONS: nonstandard abstract-artistic mind, unexpectable dessicion, pencil, camcorder JVC, DVD's with 2(TWO) YEARS THREATNESS by DEATH against me AND my FAMILY; FOR ENEMIES: RESISTENCE IS FUTILE, GOD HELP in many critical situation, inspiration as intelligence, link with GOD by experimental trancendence, pray of mind in the hearth, special pray mode, for almost all, for enemies, blessing of enemies; never hate GOD more then the men advicing eachother against an inocent, and the men's digging other's grave, then...high psychology, member of MATHS ROMANIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY, of TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY EUROPEAN FORUM (now ex-member); military knowledges, communications, 35 googlegroups FOUNDER, OBAMA FAN CLUB's ORDER founder, deffender aginst Mr. Districtual Attorney, Berg, accusing president of USA, Mr. OBAMA, esquire, prime-minister in HIDDEN GOVERNMENT-Mr. MUGUR ISARESCU, Senior leadership trainor, Mr. Jim Bagnola, USA LEADERSHIP BOARD, Whithe House debates seeing-but not hacking, probably, some perssons, wants to show what power is, i've never hack a PC-an ortodox, cannot do this; discuss about teachers and students porn films discuss seeing; but the onor. Minister is in football campaign: in FORWARD: MUTU/SURDU; so, a CV; I like a MAN at ANTENA- MR. MIRCEA BADEA, RIGHT SPINAL POSITION; NEEDS HELP; THE TRUTH, can make victims; the relative purity is my strenght, and Most Holy Virgin Maria and IISUS HRISTOS, the GOD are my cover and undercover is me-see "PARAZITII"- Io sint ala care va baga... pa gat/ Cand se taie curentu'-for enemies; know when I controll a website, there is BIG RUMBLE; high examples, no interesting; GREAT ORIENT discovered front of all members from MyBlogLog in 15-29 sec, and CROWN of UK front of; locations of "CRANES' N' BONES"; Cyber Army/Scothish Edinburgh "U", Magestic-12, army location; TRUE DEDUCTIVE, I AFFIRME: NASA or somebody from EARTH leave our SOLAR SYSTHEM and , perhaps GALAXY-proofs: MATH+ PSY+ASTRONOMY and as my wife says: "For you INSPIRATION IS IN THE PLACE OF INTELLIGENCE"; see: THE HOLY GHOST, makes you S.M.A.R.T., makes you BRAVE, or ELSE WAY; one from BLACKWATER, being discover:"YOU ARE ALIEN?"
"YES! YOU ARE"; in the carreer's beggining: a web' n' mess: "YOU ARE ALIEN?"; me:"YES!"; ALA: "SEND YOUR MESSAGE"(n.b.)no name, no pass; ala:"YOUR MESSAGE STINKS"; (shut down), nelutzu, to be your friend, esspecially of Mircea BADEA,
Someone on here doesn't understand the meaning of "blog". And exactly who DOES write the stuff, TOTUS? Inquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeleteRe: Awesome.
That's one creative mind. NOW I know where all those zany security words come from. I thought some clever programmer just made some kind of random number generator-based macro. But each one is independently created by one amazing mind. Awesome.
if you read the entire blog, you will realise how difficult it may be to express such a viewpoint in such a straightforward manner.visit us